This step-by-step guide describes how to set up a Spray event on your mobile device using the Croptracker app. Both Android and iOS mobile app versions are outlined on this page. You will need the Spray module to access this feature.

For more information on using this module see the main instructions page linked HERE.

For more information on adding Spray to your Croptracker account contact

(blue star) Instructions

Step-By-Step for Android

  1. Login to the Croptracker mobile app and select the Spray option from the Dashboard.

  2. Here you will see a list of existing spray events. Tap the button at the top to create a new spray event.

  3. The Spray Wizard has four simple steps. You can navigate between steps by tapping the Next and Back buttons in the bottom left and right corners, or by tapping directly on each step's tab. 


    Step one gathers When & Why information about your spray - enter as little or as much as applicable.

    Note: Recording the date of your spray is important, as it is used to calculate pre-harvest and re-entry intervals.

  1. On step two, select which

blocks you are spraying. You can filter the list of blocks using the search box.

Quick tip: To select all peach blocks, for example, you can type "peach" into the search box then check the Select All box.

  1. Step three gathers 

Chemical and Sprayer information. Tap the Add Chemical button to add a new chemical. To modify an inputted chemical, tap on the row to bring up the dialog. 

Note: Enter chemical rate amounts only, do not include water.

  1. Scroll down to the next section of step three to enter 

Sprayer information.

If you have a pre-calibrated sprayer, you can select it from the list and it will auto-populate the appropriate fields.

If you do not have a pre-calibrated sprayer or you wish to create a new one, enter a new name (tap the button with the pencil icon to bring up a text field) and fill out the appropriate sprayer output fields. 

Note: When recording the total sprayer output rate, include chemicals AND water.

  1. Step four displays

calculated information from the previous steps. 

Check the appropriate boxes if you wish to receive notification emails when the pre-harvest or re-entry intervals have passed.

Note: Always consult the latest product label before using a pesticide!

  1. Scroll down to the next section of step four.


The number of tanks is calculated automatically based on the chemical amounts and spray rates. 

To view detailed per-block chemical amount information, tap the dropdown arrow to expand the section. The amount of product sprayed per block is calculated for you based on the spray rates and block size. 

To view detailed total chemical amount information, tap the dropdown arrow to expand the section. The amount of product sprayed is calculated automatically.


Add any Comments or Notes, then tap save.

  1. Upon tapping save you will be redirected back to the list of spray events where you'll be able to see your newly created event. 

(blue star) Instructions

Step-By-Step for IOS

  1. Login to the Croptracker mobile app and select the Spray option from the Dashboard.

  2. Here you will see a list of existing spray events. Tap the + button at the top to create a new spray event.

  3. The Spray Wizard has three simple steps. You can navigate between steps by tapping the Next and Back buttons in the bottom left and right corners, or by tapping directly on each step's tab. 

    Step one gathers When & Where information about your spray - enter as little or as much as applicable.

    Note: Recording the date of your spray is important, as it is used to calculate pre-harvest and re-entry intervals.

  4. Scroll down to the next section of step one to select which blocks you are spraying. You can filter the list of blocks using the search box.

To select all peach blocks, for example, you can type "peach" into the search box then check the Select All box.

  1. Step two gathers 

Chemical and Sprayer information. Tap the Add Chemical button to add a new chemical. To modify an inputted chemical, tap on the row to bring up the dialog.

Enter chemical rate amounts only, do not include water.

  1. Scroll down to the next section of step three to enter 

Sprayer information.

If you have a pre-calibrated sprayer, you can select it from the list and it will auto-populate the appropriate fields.

If you do not have a pre-calibrated sprayer or you wish to create a new one, enter a new name (tap the + icon at the bottom of the sprayer list to bring up a text field) and fill out the appropriate sprayer output fields in the spray. 

When recording the total sprayer output rate, include chemicals AND water.

  1. Step three displays

calculated information from the previous steps. 

Check the appropriate boxes if you wish to receive notification emails when the pre-harvest or re-entry intervals have passed.

Always consult the latest product label before using a pesticide!

  1. Scroll down to the next section of step three.

The number of tanks is calculated automatically based on the chemical amounts and spray rates. 

Tap the Review Per-Block Chemical Amounts button to view detailed per-block chemical amount information. The amount of product sprayed per block is calculated for you based on the spray rates and block size. 

Tap the Review Total Chemical Amounts button to view detailed total chemical amount information. The amount of product sprayed is calculated automatically.

Add any Comments or Notes, then tap save.

  1. Upon tapping save you will be redirected back to the list of spray events where you'll be able to see your newly created event.

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